Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Burger Bed & More...

Interesting finds on the Internets this week ---

The Burger Bed...

Burger King giving away Whoppers for unfriending people on Facebook... (New York Times)

Overheard ---

I'm a good time - I promise...

And if there is something Breanne knows a lot about it is being high...

My favorite Super Bowl ---

My favorite Super Bowl is XXXIV, which was the Rams vs the Titans. I didn't really have a rooting interest. The Rams had Kurt Warner, the bob and weave and were 'The Greatest Show on Turf.' Plus at the time their training camp was held at WIU so before the game if I had to pick a team I would have said the Rams.

I think it was B, Corby and I who went over to the Campus House to watch the game. Seeing as this was a place with many people who support the Lord's work just about everyone there was pulling for the Rams (you know Rams - Kurt Warner - Jesus). I saw this as my opportunity to be me & to stir the pot if you will. I decided to throw my support behind the Titans and be that guy. Let's say there were 50 people in attandence - 48 were pulling for the Rams, I was pulling for the Titans and B was neutral (I think he was scared). It was so much fun being that guy. I had a blasty. Most people know that the game ended with the Titans coming a yard short of tieing the game before time ran out. The fact it was such a good game made it that much more exciting.

Also, the next summer I covered Rams training camp for the Macomb Journal. The Titans happened to come to town to practice with them for a few days. I got to cover the press conference with Kevin Dyson & Mike Jones. It was a lot of fun.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


“By the way Jack, I flushed all your pills down the John. I mean…the toilet. Not Locke. He’s still out in the van lol.”

By now poor Sayid’s brain is just as disheveled as his hair.
“If we’ve got to go back to the island, at least let me pack my flat iron for chrissakes. I mean…I can’t walk around like this.”

Best 'Lost' Recaps Ever... Premier Episode Spoilers...

Most interesting 'Lost' thought I read this week...

Last week, I talked about two moments from season 4 that may (or may not) beg reinterpretation — separate warnings to Jack and Kate from Ghost Charlie (via Loony Bin Hurley) and Nightmare Claire that seemingly pertained to Aaron. To Jack: ''You're not supposed to raise him.'' To Kate: ''Don't bring him back.'' I put forth the idea that neither instruction was about Aaron at all. Instead, Jack and Kate were being urged to prevent a supernatural event: the resurrection of a dead man. (EW Reacap)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inaug...

I realize the 2.5 people who read this space aren't coming by to read Inaug coverage. There is enough of that to go around today, but I did find an article that might slip through the cracks. I guess I just think it is kind of cool.

Ahead of Inauguration, Jenna and Barbara give tips to Sasha and Malia...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kids Write to President Elect Obama...

Dear Pres. Obama,

Good job on winning. I heard about Area 51. I wanted to ask you if there are any U.F.O.’s there. I think that you should tell people in public the truth about Area 51. You would just maybe say, “That we will take care of it.” And do it.

— Edwin Jara, age 9, New York

Click here for more...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Give her the record deal now...

This video is making rounds on the intertubes. I think the folks at AI should save everyone a lot of time, give this young lady the recording contract and call it a season.

I didn't watch the first couple of episodes of 'American Idol' this week and don't plan on watching this season.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The More Things Change...

My freshman year of college I lived in 'The North Quad,' which was as the name suggests, a group of four different dorms. The dorms were on a big hill. We lived on the 13th floor & there was a long parking lot between where the dorms were and where most of the academic building were.

One of our favorite past times was yelling out the windows heckling people. My windows faced into the quad. When we got home at night we yelled ignorant things at people coming back from parties or the bars from my room. Clayton's windows faced the parking lot. That is where we yelled ignorant things at people walking to and from class. I remember often walking back from class hoping and praying nobody would notice me, because I never knew what could come from that window. Nothing was off limits.

Last Saturday I relived one of those moments. I was getting into my car in the parking lot of the apartment complex where I live and I was heckled. It was quite cold if you remember. I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. An unidentified woman from the 3 floor yelled at me. She said, 'It's cold out. Put some pants on. Are you crazy?' I was stunned. I went back to the days on campus & I laughed and I laughed...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

News & Notes...

My vacation time and Christmas season was outstanding. I did enough but not too much. It wasn't even too difficult getting back to work this week.

I've finished a couple of books since the year started. The latest being 'The Shack,' which I thought was outstanding & highly recommend. I don't want to give too much away, but tragedy strikes, sadness is all around and then there is an encounter with God. Keep in mind it is a work of fiction.

The 'Lost' Season 4 DVDs I ordered arrived in time for me to refresh my memory in time for the January 21st season 5 premier...

'Friday Night Lights' starts on Friday, which is outstanding...

I saw 'Yes Man' last night. They wouldn't sell us tickets because it was full. We had to go old school and buy tickets to another movie and then go to 'Yes Man.' I don't have too much to say about it. It was ok and good for some laughs.

That is all...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Keith's 'Tops' of 2008...

These are in no particular order...

Sports ---

Stephen Curry in the NCAA Tournament...
Michael Phelps in Beijing...
The Cubs being swept in the playoffs...
Tiger Woods' season...
Josh Hamilton in the Homerun Derby...
Brett Farve's December...

Movies ---

The Dark Knight...
Iron Man...
Role Models...
Slum Dog Millionaire...

People ---

Barack Obama...
Erin Andrews...
Hillary Clinton...
Breanne Prunty...
B&B Style...
The L.A. Dodgers...
This Kid...
Ack Attack...

Book ---

'The Last Lecture' by Randy Pausch...

Commercials ---

Free Credit
USA Basketball...