Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March in Review...

I've read 8 and a 1/2 books so far this year. The total would be higher but I took 3 weeks to get through half of 'The Catcher in the Rye' before giving up.

This month I started working from home on a mostly full time basis.

I found the apartment I'll be living in when my lease is up in May.

The poker bug has bit once again, which I suppose is a good thing.

Worst bracket performance ever!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Which one are you?

Are you a person who complains about the weather?


Are you a person who complains about the people who complain about the weather?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Overheard ---

You two are obsessed.
No we are not.
Whenever you're together it's ALL you talk about.
You're right. I like to think I have well balanced diet.
A well balanced diet?
Yes, I talk about girl stuff with you don't I?

This & That ---

I enjoyed the first weekend of the tournament. Many people are lamenting the fact there aren't any Cinderella teams in the Sweet 16. It doesn't bother me so much. There were a lot of good games and close finishes, which is all I really ask for. I am missing Stephen Curry this year though.

I am looking forward to the Sweet 16 tomorrow.

I saw 'I Love You Man' over the weekend. I was quite amused and entertained by the entire cinematic adventure. One of the best moments was when Brian broke out in full course ha's at a part in the movie, and nobody else really laughed. There were Brian's full course ha's and a few scattered light giggles.

This story is crazy - 'Twin saves sister from drowning thanks to telepathic bond'

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The Christian thing to do would have been to give him a jump.

I'm never as cheap as when we go to Olive Garden.

News & Notes -

'Role Models' is hilarious. If you haven't seen it you I highly recommend you do so ASAP.

Michigan is dancing - Let us party like it is 1997.

This will be the 14th of the last 15th year that I will be missing work or school to watch the first two days of the NCAA tournament. The tradition started in 1995. The only year I 'missed' was 2003. I remember that vividly because it was the year Marquette went to the Final Four. I picked them to go but in the first round they nearly lost. I remember being at my desk freaking out and refreshing CBS Sportsline a million times a minute.

I am feeling a bit empty because Stephen Curry will not be playing.

I am strugging through 'The Catcher in the Rye'. I don't think I am cut out for the classics. I've tried to commit to the classics several times and it never works out. Though I did enjoy 'The Winter of our Discontent'. Maybe I shouldn't write off all the classics again.

Over the weekend I learned that 7th/8th grade girls volleyball is more entertaining that girls basketball at any level.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Sears Tower...

A lot of people are up in arms over the renaming of the The Sears Tower. I can see why people are upset but I can't say that I agree. It doesn't make any sense for the company moving in to a large part of the building to keep it the Sears Tower. I am sure a big reason they are moving in is for the name recognition. It's good for business. If they don't get the naming rights they are just another company in the building. Also, unlike when Macy's changed the downtown Marshall Fields, there isn't going to be a boycott of the Willis Group's services. Macy's bottom line was impacted because people stopped spending money there. Willis isn't that kind of group.

People are going to continue to call in the Sears Tower anyway.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

News & Notes...

Weekend Update ---

Friday I spent time recovering from my Tylenol PM hangover, and spending time with Coach, Mrs. Coach, Saracen and crew.

Saturday evening Breanne and I had dinner at IHOP. You really cannot beat the bacon, egg and cheeseburger. I find it superior to the Royal Red Robin and Red Robin. IHOP uses a roll, which complements the bacon, the egg & the cheeseburger perfectly. Following dinner cookies were made, and quality time was spent catching up with Brad and Anne.

Today has been relatively relaxing. I met my friend Dana for lunch. I haven't seen her in a while so it was nice to catch up. The economy doesn't seem to be impacting the number of people at the Apple store. Our dining location was within the confines of an outdoor mall, and the weather certainly didn't stop people from going there. It was packed!

Changes ---

There have been some things happen at work, which may allow me to move back to the greater Naperville area when my lease is up in May. They are good changes, and it would be awesome if I have the opportunity to move back that way.

Pop Culture lines of the week ---

“Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just, do things."
-The Dark Knight-

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where did Jason go wrong?

America's favorite single dad turned into America's Most Hated last night as he shattered nice, sweet sincere, Melissa's heart into a thousand pieces. The way I see it Jason's biggest mistake was making the proposal.

The mistake Jason made was saying from minute one that he was going to find his wife on the show, and that he was going to propose to someone at the end. This was unwise for a couple of reasons. He put too much pressure on himself to be the Trista of the Bachelor's. He wanted to be the one to show that it could be done, and that you can find true love on 'The Bachelor'.

If he takes the route that almost every other bachelor has, which is the promise ring/let's see where this goes after the lights go out he would have been fine. What I mean by fine is that if he didn't propose to Melissa at the end of the show he is still a jerk, but he is not THAT big of a jerk. If he hadn't proposed, last night he isn't the guy calling off an engagement and dumping his fiancee without giving the relationship a chance, he's a guy breaking up with his girlfriend because he wants to date another girl.

Sure he's still an ass but people break up so they can date other people all the time. It doesn't have the impact of calling off the engagement.