Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This is a mass text. Does anyone know where I am?

yeah i just made her a character on oregon trail and i hope she gets dysentry and dies. that'll show her.

My underwear smells like fireworks.

I got Rick Rolled in the bathroom.

Lots of pretty girls. is that why you watch this show?
No, there are pretty girls everywhere you look.

Lots of boobs, is that why you watch this show?
No, there are boobs everywhere. Every second person has them.

I am going to make some woman miserable someday. It is going to be great!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm going to be honest...

Articles like this,'Banks' 'courtesy' loans at soaring rates irk consumers' USAToday.com, drive me banana sandwiches...

The article should have been 11 words 'Don't spend more money than you have in your checking account.'

98% of the time accounts are overdrawn because more money was spent than was left in the account. There is nobody to blame but yourself. A bad mortgage broker cannot be blamed for this one.

'But they should stop me if I am buying something and I am going to go over.' No, you should know what is left in your account. I came home from my freshman year of college with 7 cents in my checking account. I don't even write down what I buy and was able to estimate well enough to not go over. If I can do it, anyone can.

*stepping down from my soapbox*

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I hope to return to blogging regularly in the near future. In the mean time enjoy some 'overheard'...

You are the man.
That's what I hear.

It is the least I can do. She humors me while I am here, and I give her pee in Coke bottles.

So Lisa - are you excited about seeing what's new in child birth technology since the last time you were in?