Monday, February 7, 2011

Feeling 'Lost'...

I am not exactly sure when the final season of 'Lost' came out on DVD. What I do know is that I received it for my birthday in early November. I love 'Lost' and it ranks amongst my favorite shows of all-time. I have watched the first five seasons multiple times through, but here it was February and I hadn't even taken the plastic off season six.

It wasn't because I hated the final episode or felt like 'I wasted six years of my life' as many people felt. It was because it contained the final fifteen minutes or so of new footage I would ever see. The DVD extras contains a segment titled 'The New Man in Charge,' which *small spoiler alert* gives a little bit of background on Ben & Hurley's activities following the final episode. The longer I went without watching it the longer the show still existed for me.

My cable went out during the blizzard last week, which prompted me to put in a DVD. I unwrapped the plastic and finally popped in the DVD. I liked what I saw during 'The New Man in Charge,' and now 'Lost' is officially over for me.

Next up in the end of another one of my favorites, 'Friday Night Lights.' The fifth and final season starts airing on NBC in April. I don't know what I will do without Coach and Mrs. Coach in my tv world.

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